Paraburdoo Medical / Emergency Centre
62 Ashburton Avenue
Paraburdoo WA 6754, Australia
Paraburdoo Medical Centre acknowledges the traditional owners as the custodians of this land, recognising their connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to Australia’s First Peoples, and to their Elders, past, present and future.
About Us
At Paraburdoo Medical Centre we promote comprehensive and thoughtful medical care for the whole family. We are dedicated to providing high quality care to the local communities within Paraburdoo and surrounding areas.
Our clinic is centrally located in Paraburdoo where we provide a range of services, including:
Pathology and radiology services are available at the Paraburdoo Hospital.
All other allied services can be coordinated through your practitioner at Paraburdoo Medical Centre. The Doctors here are independent clinicians and are responsible for all decisions regarding patient medical treatment and healthcare.
** If you are in need of an urgent appointment, please visit the practice or contact the admin team at the Paraburdoo Medical Centre on +618 9189 5069
This Practice is a private billing practice. Fees include the Medicare payment and a gap fee. The Medicare Rebate can be immediately reimbursed. Payment at the time of consultation is expected and can be made by cash or using our card facilities.
Fee Schedule
STANDARD CONSULT (Level B Surgery) Up to 15 min – $110 (GAP – $67.25)
DOUBLE CONSULT (Level C surgery ) 20 mins to 30 mins – $160 (GAP – $77.01)
EXTENDED CONSULT (Level D surgery) 40 minutes + – $220 (GAP $97.85)
And other materials attract extra fees and charges.
Patients are required to attend a consult for items such as:
Missed appointments
Please note a $30 ( single) & $50 ( double) fee will apply for non-attendnance when less than an hours notice is not given.
Accounts will only be raised in special circumstances and will attract an accounting fee of $15.00. Our trading terms are strictly 30 days. If the account has not been paid in full within 30 days legal action will be taken to recover the funds and further legal fees will apply.
Our Surgery offers bulk billing to Pensioners and HealthCare Card holders.
A recall and reminder system is available to help you return for important results, regular preventative care and early detection of disease.
Results are checked and filed by our doctors on a daily basis. Results are only given over the phone in certain circumstances. An appointment must be made with the doctor to discuss results. If the doctor has asked the nurse to contact you regarding results please note the nurse can only provide the information the doctor has directed them to give you. If you require any further information than you will need to make an appointment with the Doctor.
A sickness certificate cannot be issued without a consultation with the doctor.
A referral to a specialist requires a letter from your doctor to entitle you to a Medicare rebate. Your referral letter also should include accurate and up to date current and past histories to ensure appropriate care is provided by the specialist. We need to see you before referring you to a suitable specialist, this includes repeat referrals.
Telephone calls do interrupt consultations and cause inconvenience to patients in the surgery. It is not possible to make a diagnosis over the phone. If you are unsure as to whether to come into the surgery, please ring and speak to the Receptionist. If calls are taken the doctor will call back by the end of the day.
We are always striving to improve the standard of professional service to our patients and welcome your feedback. If you have a problem please let us know. You can write to the Practice Manager via the contact details on this website. Forms are also available at Reception.If you feel your complaint has not been adequately addressed, the Office of Health Review is available for further information. Contact number is (08)93230600 or free call 1800 813 583
Feedback can be anonymously provided by clicking on this link.
Our reception staff are happy to take messages or assist you with any general questions regarding your healthcare. If our Doctors are contacted by telephone during normal surgery hours they are likely to be consulting with a patient and a message will be taken & your call returned. In an emergency your call will be transferred to either the Practice Nurse or the Doctor immediately.
Tom Price Medical Centre & Paraburdoo Medical Centre
Privacy Policy
Tom Price Medical Centre Pty Ltd ACN 147 316 836 (trading as Tom Price Medical Centre & Paraburdoo Medical Centre) and its related bodies corporate (TPMC, us, we, our) understand that privacy is important to you and are committed to complying with our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), which includes the Australian Privacy Principles, and relevant State and Territory privacy legislation applying to health records. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, disclose, store, and handle your personal information (including your health information and other sensitive information) and outlines the measures and processes that we have put in place to ensure its adequate protection. For the avoidance of doubt, the Privacy Policy applies to our two general practice clinics in Tom Price and Paraburdoo. It is important to us that you understand why we collect and use your personal information.
What is personal information?
In this Privacy Policy, ‘personal information’ has the meaning set out in the Privacy Act. In general terms, personal information is information (whether fact or opinion) about an individual who is identified or reasonably identifiable by that information.
Some types of personal information are designated as ‘sensitive information’, which are subject to additional protection under the Privacy Act. For example, these can include information about your health.
What personal information does TPMC collect and hold?
We collect personal information about you in the course of operating our business and providing our services to you. The types of personal information we collect about you will be information that is reasonably necessary for one or more of TPMC’s functions or activities and will depend on the purpose for which the personal information is collected. This can include:
As a health service provider, where you request a booking for or are a user of TPMC’s services, the personal information, including information about your health and health services, that we collect to provide, or in providing our services to you is a category of sensitive information referred to as ‘health information’. When you request a booking for or are a user of our services, you provide consent for TPMC’s doctors and staff to access and use your personal information to facilitate the delivery of healthcare.
We may also collect health information from prospective and current employees and contractors. Except as otherwise required or authorised by law, we will obtain your consent before collecting your sensitive information. For users of TPMC’s services, this consent will be obtained through forms that you will be asked to sign at the time of booking or receiving our services. For employees and contractors, this consent will be obtained through your employment or services contract or otherwise from you expressly or impliedly at the time that you provide such information to us.
Where you access our website, we also collect technical information and general analytics arising from your use of our website, such as:
When you provide us with personal information or when you receive our services and sign a consent form or a registration form, you consent to us collecting, holding, using and disclosing your personal information (including your health information and other sensitive information) in accordance with this Privacy Policy, or otherwise for such purposes and in such ways as we may communicate to you from time to time.
How does TPMC collect personal information?
We collect your personal information directly from you, including when you:
For users of our services, we collect your personal information, including health information, directly from you when you:
Where it is reasonable and practicable to do so, we will only collect personal information about you from you directly and not from third parties. However, if it is not reasonable and practicable to do so, we may collect your personal information from third parties (which may include your general practitioner (where they are not engaged by us) or specialist or other persons or entities who ask us, or our doctors, to perform services on your behalf (e.g. a government department or your employer).
We also use website traffic tracking technology to collect technical information and general analytics about the use of our website. By using our website, you consent to the use of website traffic tracking technology in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Does TPMC use Artificial Intelligence (AI) Scribes to collect personal information?
We use AI scribe tools, such as i-scribe, to support our doctors take notes during their consultations with you. These AI scribes use an audio recording of your consultation to generate a clinical note for your health record. The AI scribe services used by TPMC and our doctors:
You are able to opt out of the use of AI scribe tools by notifying us or your doctor. We will only use data from our AI scribe service to provide healthcare to you.
Can you choose not to disclose your personal information?
If you contact us to make a general enquiry about TPMC or our services, you do not have to identify yourself or provide any personal information. Alternatively, you can also notify us that you wish to deal with us using a pseudonym.
However, if we are not able to collect personal information about you, we may not be able to provide you with the information or assistance you require. For example, we will not be able to send you information you have requested if you have not provided us with a valid email address or telephone number.
Where you a user or prospective user of our services, you do not have to identify yourself and are under no obligation to provide any personal information, however this may mean that we are not able to provide you with some or all of our services. For example, where you do not consent to the use of your personal information, this will mean that the doctor will not be able to request blood tests, or pathology tests, refer you for specialist treatment, advise your general practitioner (where they are not engaged by us) or medical specialist of your visit or discuss your condition with your family members.
How does TPMC use personal information?
We may use your personal information (including your health information and other sensitive information) for purposes connected with our business or our services and otherwise where required or permitted by law.
Some specific purposes for which we use your personal information (including your health information) are as follows:
For users of TPMC’s services, you provide your consent to us using your health information for the purposes listed above when you sign the relevant forms at the time of booking or receiving our services.
In addition to the above purposes, we may also use your other personal information for the following purposes:
TPMC will not use personal information for any other purposes unless otherwise permitted or required by law, or with your prior consent.
Does TPMC use document automation technologies to process personal information?
Document automation is where systems use existing data to generate electronic documents relating to medical conditions and healthcare.
We use document automation technologies to create documents such as referrals, which are sent to other healthcare providers. These documents contain only your relevant medical information.
These document automation technologies are used through secure medical software that we use in the operation of our business and the provision of our services to you, such as Medtech.
All users of the medical software have their own unique user credentials and password and can only access information that is relevant to their role in the TPMC team.
All data, both electronic and paper are stored and managed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Privacy and managing health information guidance.
To whom may TPMC disclose personal information?
We may disclose your personal information (including your health information and other sensitive information) to third parties in connection with the purposes described above (see the “How does TPMC use personal information?” section).
This may include disclosing your personal information to the following types of third parties:
Other than providing services or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, we will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent.
Direct marketing communications
We will only send you direct marketing communications (either through mail, SMS or email), including news, exclusive offers, promotions or events, where you have consented to us doing so.
You may opt-out of receiving direct marketing communications at any time by contacting us or by using opt-out facilities provided in the direct marketing communications.
Does personal information leave Australia?
We store personal information in servers located in Australia. We may disclose your personal information to overseas recipients, such as to our service providers (e.g. providers of data storage or processing services). It is not practical for us to list every country where such overseas recipients may be located, however, such countries are likely to include India and the Philippines.
Except where an exemption applies under the Privacy Act or other relevant legislation, we will take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that overseas recipients to whom we disclose personal information do not breach the Australian Privacy Principles stated in the Privacy Act in relation to such information.
Any information disclosed to overseas recipients who provide financial or accounting support is anonymised and does not contain any patient-identifiable information.
TPMC takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information. However, where you interact with us online you should be aware that the internet is not a secure environment, and we cannot guarantee the security or transmission of personal information you disclose to us online. Accordingly, you transmit your personal information to us online at your own risk.
Please notify us immediately if you become aware of any breach of security.
How long do we keep your personal information?
Generally, we will retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes for which your personal information was collected (as outlined in this Privacy Policy) unless a longer retention period is required by law (including minimum record retention periods under State and Territory legislation applying to health records) or if it is reasonably necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations, resolve a dispute or maintain security.
Access to and correction of personal information
You may request access to your personal information held by TPMC at any time by contacting us (including in person at a clinic). If you believe that personal information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, then you may also request us to amend it by contacting us.
We will provide access to that information or make the requested changes in accordance with the Privacy Act, subject to any exemptions that may apply. Before providing access or making changes, we will require you to verify your identity. We may charge an administration fee in limited circumstances, including where we are required to.
Requests for third party access to your medical records (or transfers of such records) should be initiated by either receipt of correspondence from a solicitor or government agency, or by you requesting and completing a ‘Patient Request for Personal Health Information Form’. TPMC may withhold the release of your medical records until you have provided a patient request form or signed authorisation.
What is the process for complaining about a breach of privacy?
If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about our collection, use, disclosure or management of your personal information, please contact us in writing using the contact details below.
We will make inquiries and your complaint will be assessed by an appropriate person with the aim of resolving any issue in a timely and efficient manner.
Complainants also have the option of making a complaint anonymously. Where an anonymous complaint is received, the complainant’s anonymity will be preserved insofar as is possible, however, TPMC may be unable to act on a complaint where the complainant is anonymous. If you would like to submit an anonymous complaint you can do so at the following links:
Tom Price Medical Centre Patient Feedback Form
Paraburdoo Medical Centre Patient Feedback Form
If you are unsatisfied with the outcome, we will advise you about further options including, if appropriate, review by the Privacy Commissioner within the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
Exemptions and inconsistency with law
Where laws allow for an exemption to compliance with certain legal obligations (for example, the employee records exemption), we may rely on such an exemption.
This Privacy Policy will not apply to the extent that it is inconsistent with any applicable law.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
TPMC may change this Privacy Policy from time to time at our discretion, including to maintain our compliance with applicable laws and regulations or following an update to our internal practices, policies and procedures. Amendments to this Privacy Policy will be posted on our website. Your continued dealings with us, for example use of our website or services, will signify your agreement to this Privacy Policy as amended.
How to contact us
If you have a query, concern or complaint about this Privacy Policy, the manner in which your personal information has been collected or handled by us, wish to make a complaint about a breach of applicable privacy legislation or would like to request access to or correction of the personal information we hold about you, please contact us using the details provided below:
Attention: Privacy Officer
GPO Box 145 Brisbane QLD 4000
For more information about privacy in general, you can visit the Office of the Information Commissioner’s website at www.oaic.gov.au.
Last review: 17th December 2024.
Next review: 17th December 2025
Outside of opening hours please attend the local hospital or call 000 if the matter is an emergency.
Home visits and walk-in appointments are at the discretion of the General Practitioner.
Tom Price Medical Centre Pty Ltd Email Policy (includes Tom Price Medical Centre and Paraburdoo Medical Centre)
This email policy is to provide information on how we manage our privacy and security via email communications. This email policy is adapted from and in accordance with RACGP 5th Edition standards and AHPRA guidelines.
General practices are increasingly receiving requests from patients, other clinicians and third parties for health information to be sent to them electronically because it is an easily accessible method of communicating. The Australian Privacy Principles published by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner state that: “Health information is regarded as one of the most sensitive types of personal information.
For this reason, the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) provides extra protections around its handling”. http://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-act/health-and-medical-research
The Privacy Act defines health information as:
As all health information is sensitive by nature, all communication of health information, including via electronic means, must adequately protect the patient’s privacy. Our practice takes reasonable steps to make our communication of health information adequately safe and secure. GPs, health providers and patients should be aware of the risks associated with using email in the healthcare environment.
Our practice considers our obligations under the Privacy Act before we use or disclose any health information. The Privacy Act does not prescribe how a healthcare organization should communicate health information. Any method of communication may be used as long as the organization takes reasonable steps to protect the information transmitted and the privacy of the patient. A failure to take reasonable steps to protect health information may constitute a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and may result in action taken against the organization by the Australian Privacy Commissioner. What amounts to reasonable steps will depend on the nature of the information and the potential harm that could be caused by unauthorized access to it. The RACGP has developed a matrix is to assist practices in determining the level of security required in order to use email in general practice for communication.
Our practice reserves the right to check an individual’s email accounts as a precaution to fraud, viruses, workplace harassment or breaches of confidence by members of the practice team. Inappropriate use of the email facility will be fully investigated and may be grounds for dismissal.
Email configuration
Communication of clinical information to and from healthcare providers are completed from within the practice’s clinical software using a secure clinical messaging system such as medical objects. The use of a practice’s clinical software means that a record of communication is automatically retained in the patient’s medical record.
Protection against spam: Use a spam filtering program.
Encryption of patient information: Use server to server encryption such as SSL or TLS.
Email use education
General protection
Protection against spam
Encryption of patient information
Protection against the theft of information
Email disclaimer
The practice uses an email disclaimer notice on outgoing emails that are affiliated with the practice stating:
“DISCLAIMER: Please Note that any electronic communication could be intercepted or read by someone other than the intended recipient and it is at your discretion for proceeding with electronic communication. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error, please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.”
Email correspondence
Email correspondence sent to our website/email address are retained as required by the Public Records Act 2002 and other relevant legislation. Email messages may also be monitored by our information technology staff for system trouble-shooting and maintenance purpose. Your email address details will not be added to a mailing list (unless you so request) or disclosed to a third party unless required by law.
Policy review statement
This privacy policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is in accordance with any changes that may occur.